Join us for our annual Streetfest on Saturday, June 24th, 2023, on the grounds of St. Celestine Catholic Church in downtown Celestine. We welcome everyone to our small town located near Patoka Lake on the east side of Dubois County, Indiana. Our annual Streetfest is known for days full of fun events, great food, enjoyable music, and most of all, lots (and lots) of friends & fellowship.
Most events, food, and drink will be located in the flat east parking lot between the church and the fire station. Parking will be all around the community and hillsides - watch for signs. The west side of the church is available for parking with a focus on the handicapped and elderly.
Everyone is welcome to get involved with the planning and work related to the Streetfest. We are looking for people with ideas and the desire to make our event as great as possible! We meet monthly to plan our event; watch our Facebook Page for the date/time/location - JOIN US!
Watch the Streetfest 2023 TV ad
All events are FREE to attend!
Live Music from That Arena Rock Show - The Ultimate High Energy tribute to “Classic” Rock N’ Roll - Learn more!
Boogie Tunes Entertainment - Playing great music all day and then party music for dancing in the beer garden until close! - Learn More!
Beer Garden - Free to Enter!
Incredible Food (2023 Menu w/Prices)
Car Show - Learn more!
5k Run/Walk - Register Today!
Celestine Park DSA Ceremony (Community Distinguished Service Award)
Adult Activities & Games
Kids Activities
Kids Tractor Pull
Sheephead Tourney (Sponsored by Sander Processing)
Tractor Show
Catholic Mass at St. Celestine Church / St. Isidore Parish
Please support and thank OUR SPONSORS
Celestine Streetfest is a free to attend event, all ages welcome. We hold the annual Streetfest to raise money for the needs of the Celestine Community & Celestine’s Charitable Organizations.
Funded in part by the Dubois County Visitors Center – – 800.968.4578 - Visit them to learn about lodging options, other events, and attractions in our area!
Further information and updates are available on our Facebook Page - Give us a like and follow us!