The April Celestine Streetfest meeting has been moved to a virtual meeting on Wednesday, April 8th starting at 7pm.
You can connect at 6:45pm either via PC, Smartphone or Phone Call.
We will be using WebEx which requires a smartphone or PC app. It will prompt you to install it when you click the link below.
Smartphone / PC Meeting link:
Meeting number: 623 153 269
Password: aJADJJSr653
Join by phone
1-408-418-9388 United States Toll Call
Access code: 623 153 269 to be entered after you dial in.
Meeting Agenda & Tentative Fest Schedule
Anyone interested in the fest is encouraged to connect and we ask all of the main organizations to make sure they have a representative in attendance.
We will review how we will move forward in this uncertain situation. We will review the finances, sponsorships, menu, schedule and other ongoing business. Please contact Tony Buechler if you have things to discuss at the meeting.