We continue to plan that Streetfest 2021 will be held on Saturday, June 26, 2021, on the grounds of the St. Celestine Church campus. After consulting with a number of chairpersons the leadership team is optimistic that we will be able to hold the event. We ask all those who have been chairpersons, on teams, or volunteered at the Streetfest/175th in the past to put the date on their calendar and plan on helping in their normal role. We will monitor the developments and official guidance around the COVID-19 situation and act accordingly.
Our next public planning meeting will be Thursday, February 4th at 7 pm, location to be announced.
Streetfest is a major social event and fundraiser for the community and we know the importance of having it if at all possible. We had solicited and received most of our sponsorships for the canceled 2020 event before the pandemic began. We have banked that money to use to operate the 2021 event. We will be putting out a new sponsorship message in early 2021 for those who did not get to contribute last year. We will not be asking 2020 donors for additional support until they voluntarily elect to send it to us.
We thank everyone for their support in the past, their understanding about the 2020 cancellation, and look forward to uniting again as a community in June 2021.